Thursday, November 12, 2015

VB6.0 Mouse Scroll Fix

The BIGGEST issue in Visual Basic 6.0 IDE is that mouse wheel scroll is not supported.

Don't worry there is a solution to this problem. Follow below steps, which will enable you to scroll code in Visual Studio 6.0 with your mouse.

Download the VB6 Mouse Wheel.exe file that includes the add-in DLL and the code that is used to create the add-in DLL.
  1. Download the VB6 Mouse Wheel.exe file. The following file is available to be downloaded from the trusted Microsoft Download Center (link below):

  2. Click Start, click Run, type regsvr32 <path>\VB6IDEMouseWheelAddin.dll, and then click OK.
  3. Start Visual Basic 6.0.
  4. Click Add-Ins, and then click Add-in Manager.
  5. In the Add-in Manager list, click MouseWheel Fix.
  6. Click to select the Loaded/Unloaded check box, and then click to select the Load on Startup check box.
  7. Click OK.

Now every time you start Visual Basic 6.0 IDE, mouse scroll is available to be used. Happy Days...

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